GS Camp starts this week
Today begins a week of Girl Scout Daycamp for Meghen. This is her second year of attendance and she liked it so much last year she was asking by Tuesday afternoon, "Can I go back next year?". The Girl Scout leaders in our area are very dedicated and do lots of great things with the girls. I know, because I have my own Girl Scout troop! :D Tomorrow I will be working at Day Camp with my Daisy Girl Scouts (Ellie included!).
I still don't think Abbie feels all that great. She's cranky, not sleeping well and just generally unhappy. Right now she's laying in my bed, not sleeping, but not wanting to get up either.
Tonight Mandi is coming to babysit while I go to my sales meeting (Bob is in NYC all week for training). The younger two really love having her over! I haven't told the girls yet, because they ask about every fifteen minutes "How much longer til Mandi gets here?"
Meg's surgery has been scheduled for August 4th, the first Monday after we return from our extended Indianapolis vacation. Wooooo hooo, just 27 more days til vacation. We can't wait!!
Sand Box, a new Bike and Tacos
We'll I opened up the sandbox today, YUCK! Bugs, bugs, bugs everywhere, not to mention leaves, grass and all sorts of nastiness. I cleaned and cleaned and it's much better, but we need some sand, a new cover and a few new sandbox toys. I'm guessing it will be a few more days before the girls are able to use it. (Did I mention there were a lot of bugs???)
We went to Walmart today to fill a new Rx for Abbie, who still is battling with an ear infection. While we were there Meg picked out a new bike - a powder blue Schwinn (sp?). It's sharp - handle bar brakes, the whole bit. Unfortunately, she only had $1.10, so it's in layaway. I told her she better sell a lot of lemonaide in the next few weeks so she can get it out of hock!
After we went to Walmart we stopped at Taco Bell and Linda (MIL) bought us dinner. It was very nice, because Bob & I have sworn off eating out for a while. The girls are going through withdrawl as badly as Bob & I are, so they enjoyed it, too.
Abbie's doctor's appointment was this a.m. As I previously mentioned, her ear infection is not better, but worse (this thing has been hanging on for months now). But, the good news is, the bulge in her forehead is smaller and he declared her to be "fine, just fine". Now, if the ear infection would just clear up!
Well, the girls are in the tub, probably flooding my bathroom carpet, so I really must wrap this up and go finish up their bath!
Wow, we've been busy
I agreed to care for some friend's of ours girls, Morgan and Taylor, while they are in Las Vegas. Life has been rather hectic! We picked them up Monday morning and they go home tomorrow afternoon. It hasn't been a lot of extra work, but those few extra minutes I've learned to find here and there to post, read a book or just goof around are gone. Anyhow, that's why I haven't posted since Saturday.
Today Meg and Morgan (one of the girls staying with us) set up a Lemonaide stand over on the Rail Trail near Deb & Randy's house. Madison helped them out with sales. They worked pretty hard at it; I made them figure profits and costs before hand. They worked on signs and when all was said and done they each earned $1.10 (a total of $3.30 in profit, split 3 ways). While they worked on that Ellie, Taylor and Abbie played in Debbie's new sandbox, which has been a real hit the last few times we've been there. Makes me wonder if I shouldn't get my rear out there and open our sand box up for the summer.
Yesterday we went to the library, checked out some books and returned the ones that were due. I signed up the girls for the summer reading program - where they earn prizes for reading during the summer. It's kind of funny, I didn't even mention that I had signed them up, and Meg can't get her nose out of a book (with or without prizes, the girl loves to read!). I'll have to get out their reading charts tomorrow so that we can get moving on that.
(due to server problems, this posted a day later than written)
A Weird Day
So yesterday, Bob had had to work until 5 a.m. on Thursday night. It threw the whole day off, I guess, because he came home and slept until about 4 p.m. I took the two lil' girls out to run errands with me, so that he could sleep. They didn't get home until about 2 hours past thier nap time, which meant they didn't get up from nap until it was about dinner time. When they got up we had a quick dinner, made a quick trip to the hobbie shop (so Daddy could pick up some stuff he needed) and then off to Annie's birthday party. Annie is a friend of ours whose Mom was my GS co-leader last year. Annie turned three, so as you can imagine, the girls had a really good time.
Bob picked us up from the party and we ended up meeting Debbie & Randy at Mussell Beach - this ice cream joint down on the beach. Meg has spent the last two nights with Madison, so she was there and it was good to see her. The mosquitos were outrageous, we had to end up going indoors! We don't want any West Nile Virus, thank you very much.
We got home at ten p.m. and I dunked the lil' girls in the tub and tucked them into bed. A long, busy, but fun day.
Summer Vacation Begins
Wow, I'm getting really behind on my daily writing! This week has been really busy. So far . . .
Meg finished school for the year on Wednesday. Her grades were decent, with the exception of her penmanship grade. She actually has very nice penmanship, but a bad habit of not turning in the work which always lowers her grade. With her report card came the results from her MAT-8 testing (standardised tests) and they really rocked. Her lowest score was a 96%, which was in Social Studies. Her high score was Spelling - a 99%. We're very impressed!
Meg also visited the Urologist again today, since she has another UTI. The doctor ordered a scope and dialation process on her urethra - thinking that perhaps this exit tube is just too narrow. The surgical nurse should call in a few days to set up that date. She'll be asleep during the procedure and be able to come home the same day.
Yesterday, I was at a friend's home visiting and one of her neighbors is moving. They were throwing out a lot of stuff and I was able to bring home a Step2 Kiddie Car. Abbie is so excited to have her own vehicle! She peddled all over the yard yesterday and was very disappointed to find out it was raining this morning when she woke up. "But I wanna dribe my new car!" The weather is supposed to clear up tomorrow, so perhaps it will be a nice day for cruising.
Ellie is starting to come around. Her meds have probably built up in her system, because she seems very even keel - and happy! We visit the doctor on Saturday, so hopefully we're on the path to some stability now. Ellie is getting so big! She's wearing some of the shorts that are just too big for Meghen, while Meghen is wearing shorts that Ellie outgrew last summer (I know, she's so skinny!). Tomorrow I'm hoping to hit a few rummage sales and pick up some summer clothes for El & Meg both - plus some PJs for Abbie, because she really needs them. Of course, if it doesn't warm up here, there won't be much point!
Recap of the Weekend
This weekend was a long one. Bob & I were both very ill, it seems whatever virus attacked Meg and ended with her sinus infection may have worked it's way into our systems. While I know this is the girl's blog, it has majorly impacted what the girls did over the weekend, which wasn't a whole lot!
Saturday was my Daisy GS Troop's Bridging Ceremony. I had Ellie start Daisy's a year early and so, while a few of the girls from her troop moved up, she did not. Unfortunately, Ellie was the only Daisy who made it to the ceremony that wasn't old enough to move up. We had the ceremony at Carroll Park, which has a beautiful bridge, and the girls 'bridge' from Daisies to Brownies by physically walking across the bridge. Poor Ellie was left all by herself and was so sad that her little girlfriends all moved on without her. She recovered very quickly and we had a great time at the park. Right after the bridging ceremony we had a farewell picnic and Meg, Ellie and Abbie all had a great time playing and visiting with their GS friends. Pics should be in a week or so!
Well, Meg, while seeming to recover from her sinus infection, apparently has acquired yet another urinary tract infection. I'm struggling with the decision for her to go to school, she seems to be feverish and is very uncomfortable. Of course, she's only got 2 1/2 days left, has missed an approximate butt-load (around 20 +/- days this school year from illness and doctor appointments) and needs to not miss any more! She missed two days last week!! At this point, I'm planning on having her go (unless she has a high fever at 6 a.m., when she gets up) and picking her up after lunch to go to the Urologist's office.
Meg's last Hockey game was Sunday afternoon and we all, including Grandma, went to watch. It was a good game, ending in a tie of 3-3. Meg played wonderfully, getting worn out easily (she is ill!), but sticking with it and being very into the game. She received a medal and a certificate for playing (pics in in a week or so, lol) and we went out for pizza afterwards.
Abbie's doctor told me at her last 'head check' that we could start her on Dairy Ease and see how she does with some limited dairy intake. With her extensive list of food allergies, it would be so nice to add some dairy products to her diet. Anyhow, it seems to be going well so far. She's eating yogurt, cottage cheese and some hard cheeses and actually had a bit of ice cream today! It's been close to two years since this poor girl has eaten ice cream. You can't imagine how much she is loving her new freedom - she even ate cheese puffs (or Cheetos) tonight, and she was in heaven (responding with "Moe, pweas!!!" each time she emptied the bowl)! Abbie's food allergies include soy, wheat and eggs and of course she's lactose intolerant, so you can't imagine the diet limitations she's had imposed. As far as her head goes, we're still going in every 6 weeks for measurements and at this point the bulge is not gone, but seems to be un-changed, so were just waiting it out. Bob and I have talked about getting a second opinion from a neurologist, but we trust Dr. Kandulski and he seems to think everything is o.k. for now and is keeping a very close eye on it. Since she hasn't had any developmental delays (quite the opposite, like her sisters), we're waiting it out. Her next check is in about two weeks.
Meg made it back to school today for field day. Actually field day was scheduled for yesterday, but it rained most of the day so they postponed it til today - and it's beautiful here today! I hope she's having a good time and not wearing herself out, she has a pretty nasty cold and sinus infection going on.
Ellie's meds are definately not working the way we'd like them to. We took the girls to Handley last night for their annual fun fair and ice cream social and she was just a wreck! She had to leave the restaurant we stopped at for dinner and she was difficult during the fair and had a major meltdown once we got home, too. According to Paula, the sitter, she was a wreck most of the morning as well. Kind of funny, last night she kept talking about the funeral she went to at school . . . finally Bob said "You mean graduation?" and yes, she did!

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Meghen is sick. :( She came home yesterday complaining of a headache and spent most of the afternoon and evening in bed. I made her go to school today, mainly because she's already missed so much school this year. Of course, her teacher called for me to go pick her up. She is staying home tomorrow and going to the doctor. I think she may have another sinus infection, which is the 4th time in six months. Bummer.

Yesterday we took the girls to see Finding Nemo. Abbie did very well, considering it was her first movie. At just 2 1/2 years old she sat pretty well through the first hour and twenty minutes, at the end she started to fidget and got out of her seat quite a bit, but for a children's movie it is a little longer than most. The movie was very good and Abbie liked it a lot, as did the other girls.
Ellie is doing a little better than the previous couple of days. She's spent most of this a.m. working on a coloring book, with sustained interest for close to an hour now. She had a bit of a falling out with Meghen (and Madison) yesterday and handled it well, or at least as well as a 5 y.o. can be expected to. No fits or screaming, just a few tears and hurt feelings.
Meg spent the night with Madison last night. I hope she's having a good time! She has a Floor Hockey game today, so we'll be picking her up in time to go to take her to the game. We always have a good time watching her play. A week from today, next Sunday, is her last game. This is also Meg's last full week of 3rd grade. How hard is that to believe? Handley PCAT (Meg & Ellie's intended school for next year) called on Thursday to clear up some paperwork issues and mentioned having Meg's application, test results and intent to enter 5th grade. I reminded them (again) that she'd be entering 4th grade, even though she tested into the 5th grade. I won't be suprised if at the beginning of next year she's placed in a 5th grade class and we have to get things moved around. I am so proud of her for testing into the school, as it's supposedly very difficult to get in (less than half applying students are admitted), but I am astounded that she was administered the entrance test for a full grade level higher and not only passed, but scored in the 91 (math) and 99 (reading) percentiles. I really hope that the PCAT (program for creative and academically talented)offers her (and Ellie) the challenge that they need and that, finally, Bob and I can stop our quest for the perfect, or least the best school out there.