Thursday, July 31, 2003
We're Back!

O.k., so what a trip! We had an amazing time, no one was ready to head back - and that's usually not the way it is. Normally, at the end of an Indy trip we are all zapped and ready to get back into our own beds. We visited the Children's Museum (see July 23), Indianapolis Zoo, made several trips downtown and just hung out and had a good ol' time. The trip back was fine, with the exception of Ellie and Abbie being a little bitty antsy.

Everyone has swung back into routine pretty easily here. Ellie was glad to get some computer time in, Abbie was happy to get the t.v. back to herself. Ellie gets on the computer and Abbie is queen of the remote, not that there is anything to flip to - no cable - but she still does it 'flip, flip, flip'. Meg is just back to her old self (which is thankful, because Bob and I were considering leaving her 'new self' in Indy.)
Next Monday is Megs surgery so we're all fretfully awaiting that. It is good to be home, but we'd rather be in Indy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2003
We went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum yesterday

On the way out of there I stopped at the gift shop to purchase each of the girls a small souvenir. As we were leaving Ellie asked what I got for her and at the same time Meg said "What's that?" I answered them in rapid fire. "A change purse. A trashcan." Ellie started to cry and then bawled because she didn't like her gift. Ungrateful little snot. I mean she was hooting and hollering for like 2 full blocks, walking! Then as we get in the car I'm handing out the gifts and Ellie wails "That's not fair! Everyone got a cool gift but me! I don't want a trash can!!"

Vacation is going well so far. More later!

Saturday, July 19, 2003
Hi Ho, Hi Ho It's off to Indy we go . . .

We're all packed and ready to head out in the a.m. The girls were so geeked they took an hour and half to fall asleep tonight. We've even got the bikes on our new bike rack and Bob took the van out for a spin to make sure it's all secure (no problem, everything was fine). I had to go over the schedule like 50 times with Ellie today . . . she's such a detailed person! She wanted to know what we were doing at what time, exactly, tomorrow. You can bet if we try to stray from our schedule she'll call us out on it! "But you said we'd eat around 3:30!" I can hear it now. Anyhow, I'll try to post occasionally while we're out of town so that all of you can keep up with our escapades! Watch out Meghen, here we come!

Friday, July 18, 2003
Well, I've almost made it a week without Meghen here, it's been pretty strange. We all have missed her, and I keep thinking I've forgotten something!

Yesterday while goofing around Abbie and I were playing "What animal are you?" - basically you just ask "Are you a *insert animal name here*?" and then giggle. That's the extent of our game. Anyhow, I said "Ellie is a monkey" and Abbie said "Ellie is a 'Araff' (Giraffe)" and Ellie got all mad and said "I'm NOT an animal!", I guess Ellie didn't like our silly game. So, then Abbie said "Well, what are you? A taco?" I laughed so hard, I was crying - not to mention I was impressed that my two year old could think of another 'thing to be' besides an animal on the spur of a moment. :) She's a smarty, too.

We leave for vacation on Sunday and the girls are getting really excited. Ellie thinks the entire trip is being taken so she can have a sleepover/pizza party next Friday. And Abbie thinks we are going to visit someone named "Anna" (Indiana). "Is she nice?" Who, Abbie? "E-Anna"

Meg seems to be having a great time with her Grandma, but I can't wait to get down there and see her! Catch you later!

Friday, July 11, 2003
Goodbye to Meg

Meg leaves tomorrow morning to go and spend a week with Grandma Marilyn. I'm a little nervous, and I know I'm going to miss her! She swears she won't miss us, especially her sisters. :) Today we will be packing and getting her ready to go. Tomorrow, Ellie and Abbie will stay with thier Dad while I take Meg to Coldwater to meet Grandma half way.

It's been raining here (and everywhere around us) non-stop for several days. The girls have been watching movies, playing some video games and playing a lot of Barbies, horses and house. Everyone is starting to get stir crazy, though! I'm hoping for a good sunny day, SOON!!

Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Running all morning

We spent the morning running around. Meg's CAT scan was this a.m. and she did fine. She actually went in for the film by herself and I stayed in the waiting room with her sisters! She's getting so big. I did cancel her appointment for allergy testing on Thursday, because the 'numbing cream' they want her to use is $60! Maybe when we get back from vacation she can go.

After Meg's appointment we went to Walmart and picked up some boring stuff, but the girls love to spend time in the toy department and electronics. Abbie whined most of the morning that she wanted to go with the big girls, but I make her stay right in the cart with me, and she doesn't like that much!

Next was a trip to the video store where we got two bags full of movies and video games for all of us. A quick stop on the way home for chips and drinks and then it was home for nap time. Meg is already trying out the fishing video game she got (she informed me that she "loves to fish") and Abbie is fast asleep! Ellie will be soon enough. What a busy morning!!

Monday, July 07, 2003
Making music

This a.m. I took the girls to see the Spoon Man. It was great! The show is fantastic and I recommend it to anyone who ever has a chance to go and see him. Jim Cruise, the Spoonman, plays the spoons and puts on a funny, kid based show. Abbie had a blast, she danced and paid her full attention to the show. Ellie fidgeted a bit, but overall thought it was great fun as well. Meg really liked it and even bought her and her sisters "Got Spooned?" buttons to wear. Meg also ran into 3 of her girlfriends at the show, so she was very pleased about that. On the way to the show, Abbie - who was trying to figure out what a spoonman was - said "We're going to go see a giant dancing spoon!" we all laughed about that, but then when we got there she kept asking "Where's the spoon?".

Wednesday, July 02, 2003
OH man, is this thing finally working?

I apologize for taking so long to update the girls blog, things have been hectic here, as usual. Not to mention everytime I try to sign on and make an update, the blogger site doesn't want to co-operate.

Meg is going in next week for a CAT scan of her sinuses and then allergy testing. The ENT is checking for allergies and possible 'chronic sinusitis'. We really need her to get well and stay well! A week from Saturday Meghen leaves to go visit Grandma Marilyn for a week. Boy, that snuck right up on us! Meg got a new bike, she's been working on learning to ride. We're planning to take it to Indy, so she'll have some sidewalk time to learn.

Ellie is doing very well! Meds seem to be in order. She has rough days, like anyone, but seems to be right where she needs to be. Of course, she's loving playing outside - but she still gets that red face (Weigle trait) when she gets hot. I get so sick of everyone telling me I need to put some sun screen on that child!

Abbie is dealing with some new teeth. She's sleeping better since her anti-biotic seemed to have helped with the ear infection; however, the tooth keeps her from being in a good mood much of the time. She's growing like a weed and loving summer time!

We got a big pool, but haven't set it up yet. Apparently, when you set up an above ground pool you need quite a bit of sand to keep the sides from collapsing - so it really hasn't been budgeted for sand - it may be after our vacation before we get it set up. The girls have been making do with buckets (of water), water guns and just dumping their water bottles on their heads!

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