We all had a nice Thanksgiving
Meghen is still in Indiana, although she comes home today. I'm braced and ready for the onslaught of brattiness that always hits us when she returns home from trips. I've also been working hard on cleaning out her room and she will be none too happy to find many of her "things" gone. It had to be done, that room was unreal!
We had Greg and Donna over and later in the day John and Jana as well. The girls (Ellie & Abbie) really had a good time playing with Tristan, Kieran and Ryley - and we let them stay up way past bedtime (10 p.m. or so).
Ellie's mood has stayed stable! YAHOO! She seems to be feeling good, in a grove, and I, for one, am thrilled!
She has been suffering from horrible red blood shot eyes (since last Tuesday or Wednesday) and Bob and I can't figure out what it's from. I have to take her to the doctor to follow up on her infection, so I'll ask him about it when we go.
She's enjoyed her Thanksgiving break, she asks everyday "How many days until I go back to school?". This morning when I answered "Tomorrow you go back to school!" she responded with "No. Nope, not doing it." She does like school, but hanging out, watching t.v., playing with Abbie and playing video games is much more fun (specially when big sister isn't around to tell her what to do all of the time!).
We bought Ellie some books that are the early phonics readers. As I suspected, she can read, but doesn't really want to. At first I thought she was going to refuse to read these at well, but I caught her looking at one the other day. When you finish a book, you get to put a sticker in the back. So I asked her if she'd like to read it to me so that she could get the sticker. She read 6 of them in a row. No problem.
We told Abbie that we were having chicken for Thanksgiving. She decided she didn't like turkey, but we know she loves chicken. So, we told her it was chicken and she ate it, too.
The demon Abbie swallowed seems to be calming down. She still has had her moments the last few days, but it's getting easier. I don't know if she really was sick or if she's really just a brat. ;) I'm thinking it could be the brat thing.
She's also enjoyed being home with all of us and no big sister to pick on her and tell her what she is going to do.
Halloween Pictures

Tristan (back left), Meghen, Ellie (middle left), Kieran, Abbie & Ryley(bottom right)

Meghen, Ellie & Abbie
Well, Abbie does not have an ear infection, but Ellie does have a bladder infection. Not that Abbie's ingested demon has gone away, if anything it's worse. I'm not sure what's up with her!! *sigh* It seems never ending with these girls. This isn't the first time Ellie's had an infection this year, so the doctor referred her to a urologist. With Meg having so many problems, he's concerned with the number of infections she's had this year. He'll be ordering a VCUG, the test they use to screen for reflux. Keep your fingers crossed that it's negative!
You know it's been a long time since you've blogged . . .
When the cookie has expired and you can't even remember your password. I am sorry I neglect this spot so much. I know I really enjoy going back and reading the adventures posted here - and I posted them! But, alas, no promises to do better, I will just continue to post what I can and when I can!
Next week is Thanksgiving already! Meg is travelling with Madison and her family to Indy to visit their family. We are staying in Michigan, so she'll probably enjoy being with them more than being stuck here at boring ol' home.
Ellie has finally improved mood wise! She's on a new med, called Lamictal, and combined with her other Mood Stabilizer, she seems to be doing better! She's a little shaky, but it's they only side effect I've really noticed. She loves school, loves her teacher and is really getting along great. She cut her own hair at the beginning of the month, ARGH, but I figured we were lucky - since it's the first time it's happened with all three girls. See what I mean?
Abbie missed a bunch of school this week. I'm not sure, but I think she might have another ear infection. She hasn't complained at all about her ear, but she is so tired all of the time, I couldn't even wake her for school this week. On top of that, she acts as if she's ingested a demon, man that girl can WAIL when she is mad (which happened quite a bit this week!). She's growing like a weed and I've been asked 2 or 3 times this month if her and Ellie are twins. She's big enough that you don't notice a huge difference in their size, and truly, they could be twins, they look so much alike.
I've got the Halloween pics back, I'll try to get them up after dinner!
Halloween takes on a whole new meaning when all of your kids are out of strollers.
We got an early start in the village of Linwood last night. Our kids and some friends were the only ones out on the streets for nearly half an hour after we arrived, We managed to do two full streets in just over an hour and a half; in years past, we've been lucky to do one street in two hours!
The girls, of course, looked extremely cute in their outfits. Meg went as a zombie, replete with putrid eyeball. Ellie was a dragon, and at every house made sure to roar loudly after saying "trick or treat." Abigail was a unicorn, and it took her a couple of houses to get the idea, but once she did, she really went to it! I weighed the bag this morning, and even with the testing-for-pins-or-posion that Angie and I did last night ther was something like 6 lbs. of candy in Ellie and Abbie's bag; I have to assume Meg's bag has another 3 lbs at least.
Doc Bean, an old friend with whom I used to trick-or-treat, brought his little one, Vincent. This little shaver was dressed as batman and was way too cute for his own good. It took him a few houses to get the idea too; once he did, he refused to take his bag up with him, so he'd come back to his dad with candy in each hand and dump it into the bag. Then he'd reach up to Doc and make him carry him to the next house.
With any luck, we'll get some pictures up later in the week. I leave for the Florida campus Monday morning, and return on Friday. I fly out again for training in New York on Sunday night and return late Tuesday. So, if there are no pictures, you know who to blame :)