Sunday, January 04, 2004
Well, it looks like we're done with the Holidays! Tomorrow both Bob and the girls return to work and school and I will return to the taxi business. We'll be starting back with a bang, as we have something going on each evening this week!

We had a very good Christmas and New Years, Grandma Marilyn and Salah came up and visited for a few days over Christmas and everyone was very sad to see her go.
For New Years we all (all 5 of us) spent the night at the Nichols' home celebrating. We had a very nice time there! We had a late breakfast and then came home and slept a bunch on New Years Day! Bob and I had many get togethers and such over the break and it was good to visit with everyone.

Yesterday Bob ran a DnD session for all the kids. First a short session with Ellie and her friend Kieran, then a longer session - complete with character creation for Meghen and her friends Madison and Tristan as well as Scott, one of Madison's neigbors. The kids had a really good time and will continue to play monthly.

Meg has recovered nicely from her sinus surgery. She did just fine and it was no big deal at all!

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