Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Last night was parent's night for Ellie's martial arts class, it's not really Karate, it's not Tae Kwon Do, we don't really know what the heck it is . . . I digress, anyhow they presented the results from the previous week's testing and Ellie received her yellow belt! Woo Hoo! We are so proud of Little Beth!

Here is something really cool, too. They shut us out of the class - we aren't allowed to watch at all before parent's night. So, last night was the first time we've ever got to see Ellie "do" Karate - and she's quite good! I was completely impressed, she was so serious and she really knew all the moves. How cool is that?!?

Ellie was positive that she would fail the test. As a matter of fact, she almost refused to go take her test because, in typical Eyeore-Ellie style, she told me "If you fail your test they mark your belt with black marks." Far be it from Ellie to let someone put black marks on her white belt! Well, as it turns out, if you receive the rank of "Senior White Belt" instead of "Yellow Belt", you receive black stripes on your belt. It's like Ellie cuts through all that feel good crap that adults feed to kids (i.e. You flunked your yellow belt test, so you're a senior white belt now.) and calls it like it is. How does an eight year old that seems to struggle with the world so often get so perceptive? Hmm. Interesting to think about.

Monday, May 15, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!

So yesterday was Mother's Day and I can really tell my kids are growing up! Meghen is old enough now that she doesn't come home with all the sweet little gifts they made at school, or the plastic decorated cups with annuals planted inside. Ellie and Abbie still bring these things home, but they are old enough to know they should hide them and pull them out at the appropriate time (in years past I get Mother's Day gifts on the day they bring them home).

I think my favorite gift yesterday was a project masterminded by Bob. It is "The World's Largest Mother's Day Card". It measures 5'6" X 4' wide. Each of the girls and Bob made two or three poster sized pictures and they frankensteined them all together and made an awesome card. I'm after Bob to take a picture of it for me, so maybe I can post it here for everyone to see - it's pretty impressive!

My second favorite gift wasn't a gift really, but just a comment my Mom made when I called to wish her a happy day. She said "You're such a good Mom, you're girls are so into you. It's like you try to do all those things that you wanted me to do . . . Girl Scout Leader, crafts, dance lessons and they are just crazy about you." Wow, that means a lot coming from my Mom because I think she's pretty darn cool.

I do like being a Mom! Sometimes I stink at it, I'm still an only child at heart and tend to be selfish and lazy. I don't play nearly as much as I should and my temper is still quick and hot. I think I do o.k. most of the time, though and I hope I don't cause too many trips to the therapist for my special girls!

I hope everyone else had a fantastic, relaxing Mother's Day. Mine rocked! : )

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'll never be able to forget about this blog since I receive weekly updates on the traffic that visits. Of course, these days, just about the only thing that 'hits' this site are perverts searching for "girls in the tub", but never mind that. I thought maybe, since summer is just around the corner, and I've got a lighter load right now, that I'd revive the ol' blog. Last night was kind of a cool night, so this is the perfect time to start!

Girl Scouts had their court of awards last night and Meg received recognition for earning her Bronze Award. It was a pretty cool night!! The manager brought her up and talked about her project a little and then presented her with her award, a nice bookmark and a patch for her vest. I'm SO proud of her - the Bronze is the highest award Junior Girl Scouts can earn, and not very many do earn it. Next year Meg will move on to the world of Cadette Girl Scouts. Not sure yet if she'll be in a troop, or work on her own as a Juliette, but either way she's already decided that she'll be staying in another year! Yeah, Meg!

Bob graduated from his Master's program last weekend, and other than a few papers he has to turn in for an independent study, he's all done. It's truly amazing that it hasn't even been a full year since he started and here he is graduating. Way to go Bob!! He's job hunting again now and we're hoping he'll find a teaching position for next fall.

The girls only have about one month left of school before break starts, and no one is more excited than I am! I love having my kids home all summer and I can't wait for the camping trips, library trips and visits to the Delta Pool. The first couple of weeks are always tough as we all get used to having each other around, but then we start to enjoy each other's company. Come on . . . JUNE!

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